Pld-fashioned Portable Tv Stand on Wheels

Two styles of vintage Goggle box cart in their natural habitat, at the curb with a "free" sign

Historically speaking, equally the size and shapes of televisions change, so do the size, shape and popularity of the piece of furniture that holds them.

Working backwards from now: today's flat screens go on the wall or on anything that's got 12″ of depth. TVs accept get like statement art–the focal point of a room.

The 1990s through 2000s bubble back TVs popularized big amusement centers with compartments to hold the VCR or DVD players, video game systems, DVDs and VHS tapes and giant cable boxes. These originally expensive pieces of furniture are now readily available at charity shops, priced correct to exist reinvented into play kitchens or puppet theaters.

1960s and 1970s TVs  came in sizes from tiny portables to huge furniture consoles. In between the extremes was a modestly-sized fix that came with a simple wheeled stand and then it could be moved to get ameliorate reception from your rooftop antenna or your set-pinnacle rabbit ears.

1960s TV stands are ofttimes institute lurking nigh at the dorsum of basements (and yes, sometimes with the Telly which hasn't worked in xl years even so on it). TV stands are one of the things that get kept because "it might be useful." Now that more boomers are downsizing, information technology's pretty common to detect an one-time TV stands being released into the wild, set "free" on the curb.

What practice you do with a useful article of furniture that long outlived it's original purpose? Not everyone can see the lovely in a metal frame with some wood or woods substitute shelves and plastic wheels. But they are kind of absurd in an inexplicable way. A repurposing challenge if ever there was one. We scratched our creativity and came upwards with three ideas for making a little Telly cart magic.

tv cart

The Arts and crafts Cart

Equally luck would have it, suitcases fit quite nicely on a 1960s Tv set cart. If you live in a pocket-size space and you don't have room for a whole arts and crafts studio, y'all can make ane with a couple of vintage suitcases and a Idiot box cart.

An added benefit is that TV carts provide a mode to stack shaped side suitcases, like difficult-sided 1960s and 70s American Touristers. Shaped sides will slide off each other if they don't accept a construction to proceed them in place.

The Recycle Cart

TV tables from the 1970s have ii shelves just no high back handle. With their wheels to brand them mobile, they can exist used a trivial more versatilely than their 1960s predecessors. Solve your recycling storage challenges by adding some vintage gym baskets and using it as a mobile corral for your non-trash refuse.

tv cart recycling

Guest Room Hospitality Cart

If your guest room is also your office is besides your yoga room, a vintage TV cart can brand information technology a niggling more welcoming to your guests when filled with necessities (towels, extra pillows and actress blankets) and niceties (expert reads, a nightlight and lotions).

What else could a TV cart become? Imagine adding some spray pigment, some fabric, some pixie dust and some elbow grease…

Exercise you take a vintage Tv set cart in your life? What tasks does it practice for you? We'd love to know!

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