Fashion Design Body Forms to Draw on

Fashion sketching for beginners!In the past two years I have designed four dress collections (Time flies!). Each time I've shared a collection here nosotros have received tons of requests for a how-to postal service about style sketching. I am self-taught (and nevertheless learning!), merely I thought information technology would exist fun to share a little bit about my process. I promise that some of you lot experience inspired to pull out your pens and pencils and notebooks today. Fashion sketching isn't near as intimidating as I one time idea it would be.

1. Create a good croquis. A croquis is the basic drawing of a model pose that you tin trace over and over again while sketching your fashion ideas. You tin can discover croquis to use online or in books, or yous can create your ain. I created my first croquis years ago past tracing a pose on a vintage pattern. Typically, croquis are exaggerated tall model forms. But what if you desire to design for someone else, say a child or a plus sized adult female? Make your own! Hither's how I do it…Fashion Sketching 1011. Print a photo that has a good pose and body form that you lot desire to design for. I chose a couple photo with my hubby considering sometimes I enjoy designing "his and her" looks. 2. Using window lite, trace the basic trunk shape on a new piece of paper. three. Apply your new croquis, by tracing over it with a fresh sail of paper, to sketch your own new designs over and over once again. Fun, correct?!Fashion Sketches by Elsie of A Beautiful Mess 2. Don't stress, only practice. Instead of stressing over getting the perfect sketches, simply beginning where you are and practise. Earlier I shared whatsoever of my sketches (fifty-fifty with my friends) I was sketching for a whole year in secret notebooks. Each time a notebook was full I would rip out my favorite designs and first a new one, throwing the rest out. Nix tin can replace quality practice time. Information technology'south the but way to grow and develop. You'll gain confidence equally yous get!

3. Focus on developing a style of your own. There are a lot of things that determine the unique style of your illustrations. Do you desire to employ watercolors, markers or colored pencils? How will you illustrate the faces on your models? How much styling volition yous include? All of these little details will work together to create a look that is distinctly yours! Focus on creating sketches that express your unique aesthetic with each element.The Fashion Sketchpad Resources  I recommend: When I first started learning to sketch, my pal Mallory permit me infringe Figure Drawing for Fashion Pattern. It was super helpful for learning the basics. I also highly recommend The Style Sketchpad (pictured higher up). It is a notebook with 420 effigy templates to sketch on. I have been using it for a few years and absolutely dearest it for quick sketching and traveling!

Cheers then much for reading. If you love to sketch fashion ideas, feel free to get out your ain tips and resources in the comments! xo. Elsie

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