Lowes Fashion Forward Carpet Color Shake


Backside the scenes banner development at the Making for Change unit

Claire Swift and the Making for Change cohort at the Topping Out ceremony with the Mayor of Waltham Forest, as well as UAL Vice Chancellor James Purnell and Prof. Roni Brown
  • Written by Thousand.Fields
  • Published date 07 October 2021
Claire Swift and the Making for Change cohort at the Topping Out ceremony with the Mayor of Waltham Forest, as well as UAL Vice Chancellor James Purnell and Prof. Roni Brown

Amongst the Topping Out Ceremony celebrations, participants at LCF's Making for Change unit of measurement made an appearance that was bold, colourful and welcome. The showcase of the heart-warming banners added to the spectacle, so LCF Stories defenseless up with the squad involved for an insight into what how things go behind the scenes.

The Topping Out ceremony was a landmark moment for LCF, as information technology celebrated a checkpoint on the journey to the new campus location in east London. When developing banners for the event, much consideration was given to the wider LCF message as well as Making for Change'southward values. Eventually, it was decided that inclusivity would be a primal theme both aesthetically and ideologically.

"We spoke to our community of participants, students, designers and asked them to call back about what they feel almost what Making for Change represents to them," says Claire Swift, lead of Making for Modify and the Manager of Social Responsibility at the College.

Three orange shelves worth of assorted fabrics.

Making for Change  collaborate with communities and creatives to innovate socially responsive business and educational activity models. Acting as a hub for social date at London College of Way, MfC work to disrupt often exclusionary way systems.

The Way Training and Manufacturing initiative  works with the industry to develop innovative production practices, whilst empowering customs participants with vocational skills and commercial feel for their futurity way careers.

"Some themes started to sally - some of the trainees thought about their own journey, the skills they had learnt, how it has helped them to become more cocky-confident. We talked about feeling part of and belonging to the LCF community. Equally, we discussed the Making for Modify 'family', how everyone feels included and how nosotros support each other, and how up-cycling and sustainability is an important office of what we do."


The Making for Change initiative is e'er-evolving – Claire and the rest of the squad at Poplar Works help the trainees identify some of the steps required to improve their development. Paid work experience, chore application workshops and connections with local manufacturers are on offer, ensuring that the newly equipped trainees can keep their learnings.

"I ever feel very emotional when I witness the participant progress, non least because non anybody's journey is easy," says Claire. "It's such a proud moment to come across them learn, grow and achieve in their educational and personal journeys."

The banner crafting process started with collating fabrics for the colour palette while using the aforementioned backing textile for all of the banners to remain consequent. In one case proportions were decided, each participant created their designs on an A3 sheet of paper. This was and so translated into banner class, flush with MfC branding. The experience was not lost on the trainees; Nosira Begum and Bilkis Ahmed were both amazed by the storytelling element of banner-making.

This feeling is at the cadre of MfC – the focus on providing new experiences through design and fashion manufacturing. In Claire'due south own words, "Making for Change provides a safe environment for our trainees to build the skills and cocky-confidence needed to have charge of their personal journeys."

  • More near Making for Change

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